Extended abstract submission

Eztended abstract submission

Extended abstract submission

Please follow the procedure outlined below. 


Extended abstract submission guide (short version)


  1. With the PDF of your extended abstract ready, you need to login as an author in the Fluctuations and Noise Letters submission page. If you do not have an account, you need to create one.
  2.  in the “Author Main Menu” page, click on “Submit New Manuscript”
  3. in the “Select Article Type” drop-down menu, select “Special Issue” (do not worry for the selection name: you are indeed submitting the extended abstarct at this stage, not the final paper); proceed to the next page;
  4. upload the PDF of the three pages extended abstract (1 cover page + 2 content pages); proceed to the next page
  5. in the Selection/Category drop-down menu, select ICNF2025; This is a very important step: without the proper selection in this page your extended abstract will not be received by ICNF!
  6.  follow the instruction filling out all the subsequent forms; note that your PDF will be “elaborated” by the system and that you need to provide a final approve.
Should you have any question, try with the “detailed version” below or send an e-mail to icnf2025.info (AT) google.com

Extended abstract submission guide (detailed  version)

Please open/download a step by step guide here.
Should you have any question please send an e-mail to icnf2025.info (AT) google.com